Gas Safety

                 Gas Safe Register

Fyne Homes Ltd, will ensure that as a Landlord they fully comply with our Landlord responsibilities under Regulation 36 of Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.

In order to meet our obligations, we will:-

  • maintain all gas fittings, appliances (other than those which the tenant is entitled to remove from the premises), pipe work and flues in our properties in a safe condition
  • ensure that all installations, maintenance and safety checks are carried out by a Gas Safe registered installer at least once in every 12 month period by having notification procedures in place to commence 28 days prior to renewal date.
  • obtain a current Landlord’s Safety Record (Form CP1), or equivalent for each of our properties which has a gas supply OR take steps to obtain access to properties for this purpose
  • keep copies of landlords’ certificates for two years.
  • ensure our tenants receive a copy of a current landlord’s certificate for their home within 28 days of the check being carried out by arranging for the contractor to leave a copy at the inspection, or by mail if the tenant is not at home to sign acknowledging receipt during the service visit. New tenants will be given a copy of a gas safety check certificate prior to signing their tenancy agreement.
  • ensure that databases are in place and regularly updated, containing details of all properties with gas supplies

No Access to Properties

Appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that the Association can either obtain a valid certificate within the required period, or failing that be able to prove that it has taken reasonable steps within reasonable timescales to attempt to gain access. Ultimately this may lead to taking steps to gain access to carry out the annual check, with associated costs recharged to the tenant.