Mutual Exchange

A Mutual Exchange is when two tenants of either Housing Association or Council Housing swap their homes with the permission of their landlords.

Requests for mutual exchanges must be made in writing to your landlord and approval by both landlords must be given before the exchange can go ahead. Each landlord will consider the following categories before granting approval:

  • Outstanding tenancy debt
  • Any current legal notices served on the tenants 
  • Would the exchange lead to worsening the tenants housing conditions 
  • Length of tenancy
  • Any medical adaptations
  • The condition of the tenants property 
  • Would the exchange lead to under occupation of the property

If you are interested in a Mutual Exchange, we would advise you to visit each others home before writing to your landlord for permission to exchange.

If you require further information on mutual exchanges or you would like your name added to our register please contact your local Fyne Homes office.